Winter Activities for Care Home Residents

As the winter months approach, care homes face the challenge of keeping care home residents engaged and active during a time when cold weather and shorter days can lead to feelings of isolation and inactivity, as well as heightened health risks and shifts in both physical and emotional well-being. This is why it's important to consider a varied activities schedule when planning winter activities for residents in a care home alongside providing high-quality care.
Why Are Activities Important in Care Homes?
It's important for care homes to run a diverse activity programme, especially during the winter months as it helps to maintain social connections, can support mental health including Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and improve the overall quality of life.
It's easy to get into the habit of moving less when it's cold and dark. However, the benefits of physical activity include preventing and managing the risk of chronic health conditions and building physical resilience.
How to Encourage Residents to Participate in Winter Activities
To encourage residents to participate in winter activities, it's essential to create an inviting atmosphere. This is easy to achieve by decorating common areas with festive winter themes that spark interest and excitement, or as simple as using warm lighting and cosy furnishings to make activity spaces more appealing.
Hosting interactive nights such as a quiz or bingo night can provide a comfortable setting that fosters social interaction and allows them to connect with like-minded individuals. Arts and crafts sessions can be held in lounge areas equipped with comfy sofas, blankets, and hot drinks, creating a joyful environment where residents feel relaxed and engaged. The crafts can also then be put up around the home which can give residents a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
It’s also important to provide a variety of winter activity choices as residents have different needs and preferences so there should be something for everybody to get involved in. There are countless activity ideas available to help combat the feelings cold weather brings and encourage mental stimulation. Ultimately, the key is to focus on encouraging individuals to participate and highlighting the many benefits these activities bring to their well-being.

Winter Activities for Seniors
To help you collate the perfect activities schedule, we have collated our top 6 person-centred activities that help to improve fine motor skills and physical and mental well-being.
Board & Card Games
Board and card games are both fun to play and play a part in improving the cognitive function of residents. It allows them to provide stories of their favourite games from when they were younger and can introduce some healthy competition! This is a meaningful activity if residents want some quiet 1 on 1 time with a friend or carer or if they want to interact with a wider group.
Baking & Decorating
A perfect way to combat the cold weather is to bake something, sweet or savoury. Baking and decorating encourages teamwork between residents and gives them a chance to let their creative sides shine while improving their fine motor skills. It is also a very rewarding activity as it gives them something to enjoy afterwards or share with a family member or friends during their visits.
Winter Walks or Indoor Exercise Classes
When going on winter walks either in the local area or in the garden, it is important to ensure residents wrap up warm but there are numerous physical benefits of getting out for a walk in the fresh air and soaking up some vitamin D including improved mental well-being. Many different types of wildlife and nature emerge throughout the winter months for residents to explore through bird watching or local walks.
Alternatively, indoor exercise classes provide residents with the physical benefits they need and reduce stress without them leaving the comfort of their homes. Put on some music and it will soon become an activity that everybody enjoys!
Movie Marathons
Another way to keep out the cold is to get together in the cinema room and host a movie marathon with treats and refreshments. Ask residents for their favourite seasonal movies and invite loved ones to join them, continuing the family tradition. Activities coordinators work closely with residents to ensure they equip the home with a variety of films that suit everybody.
Quiz Night
Another perfect way to battle the winter cold and introduce a bit of friendly competition is holding a quiz night. Residents could team up and work in groups or you could look at inviting their family members and friends or local community members to join too. This not only will bring them an evening of fun but will also help with reminiscence and cognitive function.
Arts & Crafts
Arts and crafts are always a popular activity for residents all year round so tailoring them to the time of year can be a wonderful way to get everybody involved and encourage creativity. This could include anything from making decorations for the home or seasonal wreaths, to DIY Christmas cards for family members, friends or carers. This is a fun activity that can improve overall well-being as well as being a chance to bring people together and combat the side effects of the winter months.

Winter Activities for Seniors With Dementia
Living with dementia, especially during the winter can be particularly difficult for residents, as well as their families, so it's essential to provide them with interactive and stimulating activities to help mitigate the emotional impact that the later months can bring. Activities Coordinators can collaborate with residents receiving dementia care and integrate their favourite activities into the weekly schedule.
During the day, you should increase the light exposure in the home by opening curtains or spending time with residents doing garden games or going on a walk so they can be in the natural daylight as much as possible.
Residents living with dementia would benefit from activities that promote reminiscence including listening to their favourite music, looking back on pictures and videos with family members and making a memory box or indoor gardening. Each of these activities focuses on promoting their physical and mental health, increasing their cognitive functions and improving their quality of life.
Supporting Our Residents in the Winter at Rowan Park Care Home
At Rowan Park Care Home we ensure that our residents receive unrivalled care, no matter the time of year. Our team is complete with a variety of dedicated and compassionate care experts who keep our residents at the heart of everything we do. At our care home in Radstock, we offer Nursing Care, Residential Care, Dementia Care and Respite Care for individuals with a variety of personal and medical needs.
Ensuring our residents live happy and fulfilled lives is our top priority at Rowan Park and we contribute to this with our in-house facilities and all-inclusive activities programme. No matter the time of year, we incorporate activity ideas and events into our weekly schedule that align with the needs and preferences of our residents. We regularly invite loved ones and the local community into our home to spend time with residents and join us during the fun, especially through the winter months with Christmas approaching.
If you have any questions regarding our winter activities, exceptional facilities and high-quality care, get in touch with a member of our team or book a tour and see what life at Rowan Park Care Home is like for yourself! We look forward to welcoming you into our beautiful home.